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PFCC Needs Assessment

This preliminary free assessment will provide you with a picture of where your organization is along a continuum of Person-and Family-Centred Care (PFCC). We have included some questions in each of our 10 PFCC domains. Questions included here align with many of the Client and Family-Centred Care requirements in Accreditation Canada’s Standards.

Please fill out this assessment and submit to our PFCC Institute team. You will be provided with a preliminary analysis, at no cost, within two weeks of submission.

Please indicate to what extent the following practices or processes are in place at your organization, using the scale below. If the item is not applicable in your setting (i.e. visiting hours in home care), please enter N/A.


3: Practice or process is fully in place.
2: Practice or process is partially in place.
1: Practice or process is being developed, but not yet in place.
0: Practice or process is not in place and is not being developed.

1. Leadership and Governance:
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2. PFCC Education:
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3. Client and Family Engagement:
a) Clients and families are actively engaged in:
b) Engagement in the above activities occurs through the following ways:
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4. Human Resources Processes:
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5. Enabling Participation in Care:
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6. Communication and Documentation:
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7. Environment and Design:
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8. Continuity of Care:
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9. PFCC Measures and Indicators:
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10. Awards and Recognition:
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Your Information:
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